Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 phrases that calm you down when you are angry with someone

  1. He  is only human- remember that the person you are angry with is subject to faulty actions since they aren't God.
  2. We all make mistakes- remember that you have gotten people angry before through a mistake you may have made so this might help to humble you.
  3. She has her own problems- people have stuff they deal with quietly so keep that in mind next time you feeling like kicking someone.
  4. He is having a bad day- that rude cashier may have met a lot of rude customers today so remember that the next time you feel like reporting them
  5. She has a lot on her mind- Your friend may have a lot of stuff that she is dealing with which she may not have told you about so keep that in mind
  6. I am loved nevertheless- you are loved even when you are feeling unloved
  7. Peace be still- let your peace remain undisturbed
  8. I am blessed- count your blessings they may shock you
  9. I choose my own happiness- smile its going to be ok.
  10. I can overcome this feeling- this too shall pass

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